Past simple biography esl classes

  • Past simple biography esl classes
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    "Writing could be considered to be one of the most difficult skills to master. Few people, even in their native language, find writing a story, a biography or a descriptive narrative an easy task.

    Past simple biography esl classes near me

    However, even after just two semesters of instruction, we teachers ask our students to write. How can we make the writing practice more appealing?" I once attended a wonderful workshop at Laurels by Cathy Lonngren, and she provided the audience with some useful insights.

    I used some of her ideas to engage my students and guide them into writing a short biography.

    1. Tell your students that you have a puzzle for them.

    Past simple biography esl classes

  • Past simple biography esl classes near me
  • Sample biography format easy read
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  • Short biography reading comprehension pdf
  • Let them see the pictures and try to guess whose life it depicts.

    2. Use the pictures as a prompt to encourage students to guess what the appropriate sentence is. Say the correct sentence and give the picture to the student who guessed the closest.

    Illustrated by Cleide Nascimento

    John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England in 1940.

    He studied are and wanted to be a