Iyanla vanzant biography daughters

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    Iyanla Vanzant Felt Like a 'Fraud' When Her Child Nisa Died — but Was Prepared by Her Older Daughter's Death

    Iyanla Vanzant has learned to use her own teachings to cope with the death of her daughters.

    On Tuesday's episode of Tamron Hall, the life coach opened up about how she initially felt when her youngest daughter Nisa died in July given her profession, and how she navigated her grief after losing her oldest daughter Gemmia 20 years prior.

    “The deceptive intelligence of the ego always wants you to think that you're not enough, not good enough, not worthy,” Vanzant, 70, began. “And for me, who spends all of my life, teaching other people, helping other people, fixing other people — when something happens in my life, the first thing that ego says to me is, ‘You're a fake, you're a fraud.

    You can save other people, but you can't save your child.’”

    “When I lost Nisa, I knew how to do it because I had already buried Gemmia,” she explained.