John brown football biography book

  • John brown football biography book
  • John brown football player


    Jim Brown: Last Man Standing

    October 23,
    I'm not a fan of Dave Zirin's writing. It's overblown and a weird combination of in-the-know writing for sports fans and let-me-explain-sports-to-you for non-fans.

    But in this book, he pulls it off quite well. His idea, like the obnoxiously titled, "How Soccer Explains the World" book by someone else, is to bring sports into the wider culture. I feel it leads to either overstatement, such as the aforementioned title, or superficial renderings that are believed only by people who don't follow sports and don't know any better.

    But this book is quite good.

    John brown football biography book

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  • John brown football player
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  • Jim Brown: Last Man Standing by Dave Zirin
  • Zirin writes flawlessly and with grace and knowledge about a very complex set of topics. He runs through the football career of Jim Brown, arguably the most famous football player ever (maybe Tom Brady?), but weaves in s racial repression, the ensuing Civil Rights movement, the sex-and-drugs s, gangland violence in the '80s and '90s, and Me Too of the last five years.

    Jim Brown has had a han