Elvira woodruff authoritative
Elvira woodruff authoritative
Elvira woodruff author.
Woodruff, Elvira 1951–
Born June 19, 1951, in Somerville, NJ; daughter of John (a truck driver) and Francis G. (a nurse; maiden name Giasullo) Pirozzi; married David Woodruff (divorced); children: Noah, Jess.
Education: Attended Adelphi University, 1970–71, and Boston University, 1971–72.
Home—Martins Creek, PA. Agent—c/o Author Mail, Holiday House, 425 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017.
Worked variously as a janitor, gardener, baker, window decorator, ice-cream truck driver, storyteller, and library aide; owner of toy, clothing, and miscellany store in Clinton, NJ.
Awards, Honors
Dear Napoleon, I Know You're Dead, But—included in numerous child-voted state awards, including Missouri's Mark Twain Book Award, Oklahoma's Sequoyah Children's Book Award, and West Virginia Children's Book Award.
Awfully Short for the Fourth Grade, illustrated by Will Hillenbrand, Holiday House (New York, NY)